Local, Statewide and Nationwide
Transportation, Bicycle Safety
Programs that are designed to increase public awareness of the measures that people can take to ensure their safety while riding bicycles. Bicycle safety programs provide information about traffic laws as they apply to bicyclists and warnings regarding the types of violations and other riding behaviors that most frequently result in accidents. Also included are programs that address the specific needs of people who use their bicycles to commute to work, ride to school, or get to other destinations.
Street Smart Bicycle Safety
Transportation, Medical
Programs for individuals who need local or long distance medical services and require transportation assistance due to financial or health conditions.
Transportation Program, ALS
Free Air Transportation
Transportation, Pedestrian Safety
Street Smart, Pedestrian Safety
Transportation, Private Accessible
Private programs that provide door-to-door (or curb-to-curb) transportation for purposes of shopping, banking, social events, medical appointments, getting to and from work, and similar activities for people with disabilities and older adults who need accommodations and are unable to utilize other available means of transportation. Some but not all vehicles used for this purpose are equipped with wheelchair lifts.
Transportation for Individuals with Spinal Cord Injury
Statewide and Nationwide
Transportation, Administration and Scheduling
Programs that offer administrative and ride scheduling services for transportation organizations.
Transportation, Administration and Scheduling
DAV Need a Ride, Administration and Scheduling
Transportation, Deliveries, and Home Services Scheduling
Transportation Administration and Scheduling
Scheduling and Administration
Scheduling and Administration
Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) Administration
Virginia Passenger Rail Administration
Transportation, Bicycle Safety
Programs that are designed to increase public awareness of the measures that people can take to ensure their safety while riding bicycles. Bicycle safety programs provide information about traffic laws as they apply to bicyclists and warnings regarding the types of violations and other riding behaviors that most frequently result in accidents. Also included are programs that address the specific needs of people who use their bicycles to commute to work, ride to school, or get to other destinations.
Bicycling Advocacy and Information
Bicycle Safety
Bicycle Safety Education
Bicycle Safety
Bicycle Safety Information
Bicycling Advocacy and Safety Information
Bicycle Safety, Toward Zero Deaths Virginia
Transportation Expense Assistance
Programs that provide immediate cash, bus tokens, vouchers, loans, loan/insurance payment support, or other forms of financial assistance for people who otherwise have no means of transportation. Transportation expense assistance programs may have age, income, disability, need, or other eligibility requirements.
Transportation Expense Assistance
Transportation Expense Assistance
Car Expense or Emergency Travel Assistance for Military
Transportation Guidance, Mobility Managers
Mobility Managers across Virginia manage and implement coordinated transportation services for veterans, low-income individuals, older adults, persons with disabilities, and individuals with transportation needs.
Veterans, Beneficiary Travel
Transportation, Medicaid
Programs, paid for by Medicaid, that provide transportation for medical appointments, trips from and between hospitals, to nursing homes or other special-care centers or for other non-emergency medical needs for individuals who, because of income, disability or physical condition, are unable to use other means of local transportation. Non-emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) service providers are able to transport riders who require a wheelchair lift-equipped vehicle with appropriate protective restraints or a van that is designed for gurney/stretcher transportation, or that has other types of features to meet safety needs. Some providers also offer limited transportation to grocery stores and food banks.