Mountain Empire Older Citizens, Inc. (MEOC)
1501 Third Avenue East
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
(276) 523-7433
Get Directions36.8783989, -82.7653696
Who We Are
MetGo! is the first-ever rideshare service in the Wise-Norton community. MetGo! resembles a minibus that comes when you want, where you want. Provide your pickup and drop-off addresses and MetGo! will provide a few ride options. Choose the best choice for you, and a driver will be sent your way. Please advise if you need a wheelchair-accessible vehicle when you book your ride by tapping your profile picture or image at the top of the app menu and tapping the Wheelchair toggle to turn it on.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Norton City
Wise County
Cost & Payment Methods
Fee Structure
No Fee
Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Service hours are Monday - Friday 7 am - 7 pm.
Intake Process
Download the MetGo! app to get started or call dispatch and someone will assist you over the phone.
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact
Intake Contact Telephone
(276) 523-7433
For Transportation Providers Only:
We can accommodate riders with:
Manual wheelchairs
Personal Care Attendants
Powered wheelchairs
Report Problems
Call the Agency