300 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20024
(202) 637-7000
Get Directions38.8852181, -77.0214081
Who We Are
MetroAccess is a shared-ride, door-to-door, paratransit service for people who cannot independently use the accessible bus and/or rail system due to a disability. More information about the service can be found on the MetroAccess page.
All Metrorail stations and rail cars are accessible. The stations feature accessible priority parking near station entrances, information on station pylons in Braille and raised alphabet, and extra-wide fare gates, among other features. All stations have elevators and directional signs indicating elevator locations.
Rail cars feature gap reducers between the car and the platform, barriers between cars, priority seating for people with disabilities and senior citizens, and emergency intercoms accessible to wheelchair users that also include instructions in Braille and raised alphabet.
For detailed information, see our Metrorail Accessibility page.
All buses in the Metro fleet are accessible, with the ability to kneel or lower; all have either low-floor ramps or lifts. Major stops, landmarks, and intersections are either announced by an automated stop announcement system or the bus operator. All buses feature two wheelchair securement areas and priority seating for senior citizens and people with disabilities near the front of the bus.
For detailed information, see our Metrobus Accessibility page.
A new app called Waymap makes using Metro facilities and services more accessible for individuals with vision challenges or other disabilities. Waymap is offered across the entire transit system including 98 rail stations, more than 11,000 bus stops and 325 bus routes.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
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