6150 Community Drive
Chincoteague, VA 23336
(757) 336-6519
Get Directions37.9361696, -75.3607831
Contact Information
Who We Are
The Pony Express is a seasonal trolley service provided by the town of Chincoteague. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) public transportation option is available. All trolleys are equipped with wheelchair lifts.
The ADA Public Transportation Option: The Pony Express runs a fixed-route service and complementary paratransit service for qualified persons with disabilities. The paratransit service coverage area includes up to 3/4 of a mile beyond all fixed routes. To qualify for the ADA deviation options, you must apply and be certified. Applications are available at the Town of Chincoteague office in person or by mail. Certifications from other communities will be accepted.
The operator complies with all ADA rules and regulations. ADA trips will be arranged where logistically possible.
Please make your request for service at least two hours in advance of your desired departure time. The fare for ADA-deviated route riders is $1.00 (or 4 tokens).