36.60231, -82.1547491
Who We Are
Bristol Virginia Transit has three buses that operate five days a week and cover more than 400 miles a day, offering convenient, inexpensive transportation to key locations. Find a map of the routes on the website. All Bristol Virginia Transit buses arrive, depart from, and return to the Downtown Transfer Center in the 800 block of State Street next to the Farmers Market.
Services are available for persons unable to use the regular bus services. Bristol Transit provides origin-to-destination service per Federal Transit Administration regulations. Persons must be certified as specified by ADA guidelines. Bristol Transit provides the necessary forms for individuals who qualify. For more details, please call (276) 645-7384.
All transit buses are accessible and we strive to offer our customers the most convenient and pleasant riding experience possible. Clean, well-maintained buses are an affordable alternative to walking or driving, and our courteous staff tries to meet the special needs of the passengers.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
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