23 Seyler Drive
Petersburg, VA 23805
(804) 732-7020
Get Directions37.1859955, -77.3675221
Who We Are
Crater District Area Agency on Aging (CDAAA) offers transportation to seniors to medical appointments and to participate in programs at CDAAA.
This program provides group or individual transportation to and from nutrition sites, Senior Centers, and other events offered by CDAAA. Transportation is provided five days a week from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm. Medical appointments must be scheduled a week in advance. Volunteers provide transportation. CDAAA also provides wheelchair-accessible transportation.
Transportation is available in Colonial Heights, Hopewell, and Petersburg. Limited transportation is available in the counties of Dinwiddie, Greensville, Prince George, Surry, Sussex and the city of Emporia.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: