701 Wenonah Avenue
Pearisburg, VA 24134
(540) 921-3024
Get Directions37.3276271, -80.7323121
Who We Are
Non-emergency medical transportation is available for residents of Giles and Pulaski Counties. Rates are based on mileage to and from the individual's home and destination and whether the rider requires a wheelchair-accessible vehicle. Services can be scheduled 7 days a week. Please call at least 5 days in advance. Schedule a trip Monday through Friday 9 am until 5 pm. Payments accepted include Medicaid and private payments including Visa, Mastercard, and Discover cards.
Giles Health and Family Center is a Medicaid transportation provider. Currently, there is one wheelchair-accessible bus and 3 cars.
Please call the center for more information at 540-921-3024.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: