Contact Information
Who We Are
Case Management provides assistance to individuals and their families to access services and supports that are essential to meeting their basic needs identified in the individualized service plan (ISP), which include not only accessing needed behavioral health, intellectual disability (mental retardation) and substance abuse services, but also any medical, nutritional, social, educational, vocational and employment, housing, economic assistance, transportation, leisure and recreational, legal, and advocacy services and supports that the individual needs to function in a community setting.
Office numbers are as follows:
Culpeper County: 540-825-5656
Fauquier County: 540-347-7620
Madison County: 540-948-5911
Orange County: 540-672-2718
Rappahannock County: 540-675-3329
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Behavioral Health, contact Rappahannock-Rapidan CSB-AAA Access Services to schedule an intake appointm