37.967142, -76.7478144
Contact Information
(804) 250-2011
(877) 869-6046
Who We Are
Bay Transit is the public transportation authority of Bay Aging, a charitable, nonprofit organization serving seniors and people with disabilities for over 30 years. Bay Transit provides on-demand service and offers a handful of fixed routes in some communities. Bay Transit serves all people, of all ages, for all reasons.
Accessible and safe transportation to the local destination of a rider's choice is provided without regard for disability, age, or economic status. Fare varies, depending on the route. Visit
Have exact changes. Drivers cannot make change.
Call for information.
Who We Serve
Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Charles City County
Essex County
Gloucester County
King William County
King and Queen County
Lancaster County
Mathews County
Middlesex County
New Kent County
Northumberland County
Richmond County
Westmoreland County
Cost & Payment Methods
Payment Method(s)
Credit / Debit
Private Pay
Fee Structure
Fee Range
Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Intake Process
To access the On Demand service, call toll-free 24 hours a day (877) 869-6046. Give at least 24 hours advance notice to schedule your ride. If you receive our voicemail system, leave a message along with a callback number and our dispatchers will return your call as soon as possible to confirm your ride. Other ride-scheduling telephone numbers for all individual localities is available on the website at http://baytransit.org/contact-us-2/
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Telephone
(877) 869-6046
For Transportation Providers Only:
We can accommodate riders with:
Hearing Impairment
Vision Impairment
To accommodate riders, we offer:
Staff training on assisting people with mobility problems
Voice announcements