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Alexandria City Health Department

4480 King Street, 3rd Floor
Alexandria, VA 22302

(703) 746-4910

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Contact Information

(703) 746-4910

Who We Are

Alexandria City Health Department enforces and inspects city and state codes relating to environmental health (restaurants, swimming pools, hair salons, grocery stores, vending machines, etc.). They handle problems relating to health in commercial properties, respond to citizen complaints and concerns, and offer consultation and information on topics of environmental concern such as radon, excessive noise, air pollution, asbestos, and hazardous or toxic waste.

Visit the website to learn more about our specific programs in the following areas::

  • Food Safety
  • Aquatic Health and Safety
  • Vector-Borne Illness Prevention 
  • Animal Bites/Rabies Prevention
  • Hotel Sanitation 
  • Water Quality 
  • Permits and Plan Reviews
  • Concerns and Complaints
  • Hazardous Substances

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Alexandria City

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Cash or Check
Credit / Debit
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
The clinic is closed on Thursday mornings.

Intake Process
Most services require an appointment, please call ahead.
Self Refer

Report Problems
Call the Agency