295 Technology Drive
Rocky Mount, VA 24151
(540) 483-9238
Get Directions37.0128083, -79.8969843
Contact Information
Who We Are
Franklin County, Office of Aging, provides medical transportation to adults over 60 years of age who are wheelchair-bound or have no other means of transportation. Non-emergency medical transportation, including dental appointments, is available. Transportation is on a first-come, first served basis with at least 3 days notice given.
Advance scheduling is necessary. Individuals who receive Medicaid should contact ModivCare (formerly Logisticare) by calling 1-866-810-8305, requesting us as the provider as we cannot transport Medicaid participants directly. Transportation is to appointments locally and out of town to Roanoke, Martinsville, Westlake, and Salem.
Please call 540-483-9238 for a qualification assessment.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: