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VA Resource Navigator: Finding VA Resources

Anything that keeps me from searching six locations is helpful. 

Veterans often have questions about VA services and benefits. Whether they have recently exited military service or have been separated for years, VA is here to help Veterans navigate benefit entitlements and take an active role in their health care.

In an effort to provide the highest quality of care, VA has developed a new tool, the VA Resource Navigator, to help Veterans easily find and use VA resources so they can make informed decisions about their long-term health. The VA Resource Navigator provides web links, phone numbers, QR coes and other useful information about VA. With the VA Resource Navigator, Veterans can also find answers to frequently asked questions about key VA benefits and services. 

Resource Navigator covers topics such as:

  • VA health care
  • Education and careers
  • Disability and pension
  • Family member benefits
  • Housing assistance
  • Veterans Crisis Line (dial 988, then press 1)
  • Burial and memorial

The VA Resource Navigator was created by the Veterans Experience Office and the Patient Centered Learning Program, a division within VA’s National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Before its formal rollout, Veterans and staff tested the navigator to ensure it was user-friendly and provided comprehensive, up-to-date information on VA services.

A great time saver

After reviewing the VA Resource Navigator, 91% of Veterans surveyed said they would be “likely” or “extremely likely” to use this tool the next time they are looking for VA information. The navigator uses plain language to make the content understandable for everybody, whether they are Veterans, VA employees or non-Veterans.

One user noted, “Anything that keeps me from fishing through websites or going to six different locations to find answers is helpful.This is a great time saver.”

The VA Diffusion Marketplace includes more information about this tool and its implementation across the VA.

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VA News
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