1105 West Danville Street
South Hill, VA 23970
(434) 447-7661
Get Directions36.7214038, -78.1476331
Who We Are
The Transportation Department at Lake Country Area Agency on Aging (LCAA) offers community transportation. The fleet of vehicles can transport senior citizens to and from Nutrition Sites, Medical Appointments, Service Agencies, and Recreational Activities.
Every week vehicles travel routes and work with Social Service Agencies, Health Departments, and other facilities for the elderly. Call for more details.
Other transportation available is LAB (Lake Area Bus) and HART (Halifax Area Rural Transportation). They can pick you up at your door and deliver you to your destination. The cost is $1.50 per pick-up, and children under three are free. The LAB operates within the town limits of South Hill, La Crosse, and Brodnax; and the HART within the town limits of South Boston and Halifax.
Medicaid Transportation is also available to seniors.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: