36.6922969, -79.8753529
Contact Information
Who We Are
The Martinsville Senior Center offers nonemergency medical transportation to eligible seniors and disabled non-seniors Monday through Friday 8:30 am- 3:30 pm. Transportation to medical appointments includes r regular medical appointments, kidney dialysis, and physical therapy appointments.
To be eligible for transportation individuals must meet the following criteria:
1. Be sixty years of age or older and live in the City of Martinsville. If under sixty years of age, they must be disabled.
2 . Lack the ability to transport themselves and other means of transportation.
Priority shall be given to adults in the greatest economic and social need. Priority will be given to low-income minority individuals and those residing in rural or geographically isolated areas.
Individuals can sign up for transportation by calling the Senior Center at 276 403-5260. An assessment form is filled out and a determination is made within 3 working days whether or not the person is eligible.