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Senior Planet

(920) 666-1959

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Who We Are

Senior Planet, powered by OATS (Older Adults Technology Services), harnesses technology to change the way we age. Online courses, programs, and activities help seniors learn new skills, save money, get in shape, and make new friends.

Senior Planet is about much more than just the latest gadgets and apps and websites. Those gadgets and apps and websites are just means to an end: enabling older adults and people of all ages to come together and find ways to learn, work, create, and thrive in today’s digital age.


Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)

Age Requirements
Other Eligibility Criteria
Membership may be required for some programs.

Available 24/7

Intake Process
Visit the website.
Self Refer
Provider Refer
Intake Contact Email
Email contact form is available on the website.
Intake Contact Telephone
(920) 666-1959