P O Box 604
Mechanicsville, VA 23111
(804) 357-9360
Get Directions37.677777, -77.2561643
Who We Are
Senior Rides with Mechanicsville Churches Emergency Functions (MCEF) helps seniors continue to live independently in their homes. This free transportation program is for scheduled medical appointments, grocery shopping, and personal business (such as banking).
The MCEF Senior Rides program assists seniors age 60+ in the Mechanicsville area who are not able to drive. Transportation also may be provided for those who have a medical condition that requires frequent trips for medical treatments such as physical therapy, chemotherapy, or dialysis. Seniors must be ambulatory.
While we offer this as a free transportation service, donations are needed to sustain the program. We appreciate your generous gifts.
Service is provided in zip codes 23111 and 23116. Zip codes will be added from time to time.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
For Transportation Providers Only: