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Monroe Health Center

226 Market Street
P O Box 370
New Castle, VA 24127

(540) 864-6390

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Contact Information

(540) 864-6390

Who We Are

Monroe Health Center, Craig County site, offers primary care to adults and children. Some of the services available are Routine physical exams; laboratory services; radiology services; EKG exams; mental health services; breast and cervical cancer screening; minor office procedures; TB treatment; family planning; immunizations; medication assistance programs; school wellness centers and more.

Call for more details or visit the website for medical services.


Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Craig County

Cost & Payment Methods

Payment Method(s)
Private Pay
Private Insurance
Fee Structure
Fixed Fee
Sliding Scale Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement

Intake Process
Visit the website; call the office
Self Refer
Provider Refer

Report Problems
Call the Agency