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Ledwith-Lewis Free Clinic

317 Duke Street
Tappahannock, VA 22560

(804) 443-9590

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Contact Information

(804) 443-9590

Who We Are

Ledwith-Lewis Free Clinic provides primary medical care to patients who are not insured and fall at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines.

Medical Procedures the Clinic CAN Offer:

  • Chronic medical Care (Diabetes, Hypertension, Thyroid Disorder, etc.)
  • Acute Medical Conditions (Strep Throat, Flu or other illness, etc.)
  • Well Woman Check-Ups (including PAPs and mammograms)
  • Specialist Referrals for most conditions
  • Flu Shots

Healthy eating and Healthy Living Program is also available. No medical care for children under the age of 18; no immunizations other than influenza. 

Services are generally provided through the use of volunteers.

Who We Serve

Languages Spoken
Service Area(s)
Essex County
Richmond County

Cost & Payment Methods

Fee Structure
No Fee
Sliding Scale Fee

Age Requirements
No Age Requirement
Other Eligibility Criteria
Income restrictions

Available 24/7
Additional Availability Comments
Open Mondays and Tuesdays for Eligibility Screenings 3-5 pm
Open Tuesday mornings and Wednesday evenings for Chronic and Acute Care.
Healthy Eating / Healthy Lifestyles Program every 12 Weeks.
The second & fourth Thursday of the month Women's Clinic is available.

Intake Process
Call or walk in; determine eligibility; provide documents; After eligibility is determined, an appointment can be scheduled.
Self Refer

Report Problems
Call the Agency