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The Arc ~ Digital Literacy Creates Opportunities

A mom stands behind her child,who is sitting in a chair at a desk. She is reaching her arms around her child, helping them type on a laptop. Text says, "DIGITAL LITERARCY CREATES OPPORTUNITIES." On the top corners are logos of The Arc and AT&T.

Have you checked out the Arc's free digital skills training for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities?

Developed togetherh with AT&T and The Arc San Francisco, the plain language training helps people with disabilities learn how to navigate new technology. Technology can make it easy to access education and employment opportunities and can help people stay connected to family and friends.

Through online training webinars, you'll learn how to:

  • Get started with computers, mobile devices, and video conferencing
  • Navigate websites and search engines
  • Understand online safety, passwords, fraud, and scams
  • And more

We also have in-person workshops available in 26 regions.

Get started today!

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The Arc of the United States
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