The Internal Revenue Service offers content in a variety of file formats to accommodate people who use assistive technology such as screen reading software, refreshable Braille displays, and voice recognition software. We have prepared hundreds of tax forms and publications that can be downloaded or viewed online in text, e-Braille, HTML, accessible PDF, and large print. For more details, visit the Information about the Alternative Media Center page.
Our PDF tax forms comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the latest version of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG); however, the IRS does not advise filling out forms on mobile devices unless you are using our specifically designed mobile-friendly forms.
Accessible IRS letters and notices
Taxpayers can choose to receive their IRS tax letters and notices in Braille, large print, audio or electronic formats. This includes notices about additional taxes or penalties owed. To receive notices in an alternative media format, select one of the following options.
- Select your preference on your IRS Individual Online account.
- Complete Form 9000, Alternative Media Preference, and include it with your tax return or mail it as a standalone form to the IRS.
- Call the tax assistance number at 800-829-1040 to elect your preferred format.
If you already received a notice or letter in print format and prefer it in Braille, large print, audio or text, select one of the options below.
- Call the Accessibility Helpline at 833-690-0598.
- Fax your notice and a cover sheet to: Alternative Media Center, at 855-473-2006. At the top of the cover sheet, write “Alternative Media Format" and include your name, address, daytime phone number and your preferred alternative media format.
- Mail your notice with a note stating your preferred format (Braille or large print) to:
Internal Revenue Service
Alternative Media Center
400 N. 8th St., Room G39
Richmond, VA 23219
Once the AMC receives your notice, it could take up to 15 business days to convert it to your preferred format and mail it back to you.
Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement
Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement PDF is available to claim a refund or abatement of certain overpaid or over-assessed taxes, interest and/or penalties. If you need assistance completing and filing Form 843, you may view the instructions for Form 843 or contact the IRS at 800-829-1040. If additional assistance is needed, qualifying taxpayers may contact the Taxpayer Advocate Service at 877-777-4778.
Paper copies of IRS tax products
For tax forms, instructions or publications in Braille or large print, call the tax form telephone number at 800-829-3676.
To download accessible files
- Disability related products
- Section 508 compliant PDF forms
- Section 508 compliant PDF publications
- Braille and text formats - Tax forms and instructions
- Braille and text formats - Tax publications
- HTML format - Tax instructions (read online)
- HTML format - Tax publications (read online)
- Large print format - Tax forms and instructions
- Large print format - Tax publications
- ePub format - Tax publications
- Mobile-friendly forms
Use the Comment on tax forms and publications web form to provide feedback on forms, instructions or publications. Although we cannot respond personally to each comment, we do appreciate your feedback and will consider all comments submitted.
Helpful Links
- American Sign Language (ASL) Videos
- Disability Information for Individuals, Businesses, and Partners Providing Services
- Free Tax Preparation by IRS Volunteers
- Information for Veterans With Disabilities
- IRS Social Media Page
- More Information for Persons With Disabilities
- Understanding Your IRS Notice or Letter
Use the Comment on Tax Forms and Publications web form to provide feedback on forms, instructions or publications. Although we cannot respond individually to each comment, we do appreciate your feedback and will consider all comments submitted.